Of course, it was hard to see them under the leaves that have collected over the last five months. I left them in place as added insulation through the winter, but now they are a wet, heavy mess. I started to clear just around the new bulbs, but that created leaf dunes and a lumpy landscape. So, armed with a new, wider rake, I tackled one small section of the yard and an hour later, I had five giant bags filled and a burning desire to hire professional help. The burning might have been my arm appendages.
I think they are charming. Initially, I thought they would make cute decorations for my sunroom, but after three, I didn't have any place to display them. At some future point, I'd like some live edge shelves for the brick wall, but until then, it seemed a good idea to hang them out front so I could see happy birdy families from my office. Dave says they make our house look "Blair Witchy"
Well, maybe. But the leaves will return soon and bring color back to the mountain. In the meantime, I have this:
New batch coming up already this year! And I added waaaaay more bulbs, so I have no idea what's going to happen.